Cat Backpacks: Style over Safety?

There seems to be a recent trend in cats being transported in backpack carriers. No doubt there will be a surge in popularity again due to the new Argylle movie.

They may seem like a fun way to move a cat from one place to another, but I would urge caregivers to take a moment to think about their cat’s wellbeing before purchasing a backpack carrier – the bubble carriers are particularly unpleasant for cats.

Issues with backpack carriers include:

😿They are usually too small for cats to turn around in and position themselves in a way they feel most comfortable

😿They move around a lot during transportation, which is stressful and uncomfortable for cats – most of these carriers are not very sturdy either

😿There is no opportunity for cats to hide, they are almost forced to look out through the bubble window. This means cats have to face lots of things they might find frightening during their journey, such as dogs, unfamiliar people and cars

😿The carrier is facing backwards, which can be very disorientating for cats – some will experience nausea and vomit

😿 The carriers are not easy to clean, making them less hygienic

.😿 Air circulation is poor, which can make cats overheat

😿 Cats can arrive at their destination in a high state of arousal due to experiencing intense emotions of anxiety, fear, or frustration – this makes examinations by the veterinary team more difficult, which could impact the effectiveness of any care that cats receive (and need).

Although there are some differences in these types of carriers (ie some are a bit larger or stronger), cats can be trained to use different types of carriers and every cat and their caregiver is different, most backpack carriers are not cat-friendly for the average cat. Unless this is the only way a cat can be transported to the vet in an emergency they should be avoided 🚑

There is plenty of useful information on what type of carrier to choose and how to minimise stress during travel on this International Cat Care webpage👇

Or visit this webpage to access the International Cat Care guides, which includes a handy downloadable guide on taking your cat to the vet 👇

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